Upcoming Events

May 9 @ 9am PST, virtual, sliding scale fee

​​​Join me and Need Workshops for an immersive 2-hour workshop designed to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to cultivate an effective workplace sustainability community. Dive deep into the intricacies of community organizing, volunteer management, and influencing without authority in this engaging 201-level masterclass. Walk away with a tangible Community Management Plan, a digital artifact crafted during the session, ready to implement and share with your workplace community.

May 15 - June 15, 4 week virtual course via Terra.Do

​​​A four-week course in partnership with ClimateVoice that outlines the pivotal role of employees in advocating for strong climate policies within their companies and teaches strategies to leverage influence and advance climate action in the workplace.

May 21 @ 8am PST, virtual

​​​How can employees influence their organization in taking climate action? Tune into this session to learn from experts in the field on why employees are critical to climate action. Hear directly from businesses who have undertaken employee sustainability programs and explore how you can use one of the most effective levers we have - employees - to transition to a zero carbon, healthier planet.

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